Global Attain Advancement hosted Making Global Markets Local
Global Attain Advancement
The session provided insight into the investment or trade potentials of Africa and Europe regions for attendees to plug into their vast business opportunities.
Global Attain Advancement, LLC (GAA) is an investment, trade and development eventĀ“s organizers that formulate a portfolio of high-level business-to-business and business-to-government summits, forums, meetings, exhibitions and exploratory trade missions. Our divisions are events delivery, trade missions, and publications.
Global Attain Advancement, LLC (GAA) is an investment, trade and development eventĀ“s organizers that formulate a portfolio of high-level business-to-business and business-to-government summits, forums, meetings, exhibitions and exploratory trade missions. Our divisions are events delivery, trade missions, and publications.
We are an independent, privately-held B2B and B2G events company dedicating to spreading industry knowledge and business information with a major focus on Africa, building platforms for valuable market knowledge delivery, cooperation between business decision makers, facilitating fantastic networking opportunities and opening the doors to a wealth of business opportunities. GAA is a steadfast promoter of trade, investment and development across the world. We are an accredited participating company of United Nations Global Compact, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative.
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